Thursday 4 July 2013


Here we go again. I feel the right time has come... Since IVF No 4 Clinic still have RM 3000 of my money, i will give another try with the clinic.

Set my appointment with Dr Tee on 29 October 2012. That was my CD12. My plan was to have  the stimulation protocol in the final week of November. Apparently Dr Tee has scheduled his time frame and my calendar does not suit him. So he asked me to take BCP starting 9 November 2012 to delay my menses so he could do OPU on middle of december. It's a bit tricky to start BCP on CD 23 as i know BCP usually taken on CD2...

Knowing my body never follow any rules, it has its own mind.... my menses came on 25 November 2012. CD 39.  Next day I went to the clinic as i already have an appt with the embryologist. I told the embryologist at the reception that my AP have arrived yesterday... She said better see the doctor first. So went in and Dr Tee did TVS on me and said yup that is your menses. You can start taking your suprefact starting today and come and see me back this thursday. He even took some blood for progesterone level.

So starting 26 November 2012 20cc Suprefact daily 7.30 am.

On the 29th I came back to see Dr Tee, he was busy saying that I could start the stimulation. My first question to him was "Don't you want to review my blood test first?"...... Then he begin flipping my file and could not find the test result. So he asked his nurse to bring in the result. My progesterone was low, to confirm that was indeed my menses.

I was asked to take 225 of GonalF and 150 of folliova starting 30/11/2012 friday daily at 8 pm

My new routine
morning 20 unit suprefact
evening 225 gonal f + 150 folliova

Next appointment would be 8/12/2012 morning at Metro Klang.

8/12/2012 Beautiful sunny saturday morning. The trip to Metro clinic was uneventful. I have to go alone. DH in Hong Kong, he'll be back in the evening. Dr Tee was not around. So went to see the sonographer. A quick TVS scan.... Left ovary about 3-4 follicles. Biggest was 19x18 the rest was smaller <15. Right ovary was hard to detect, she could see 1 follicle in the size of 16 or something and the rest was unclear. Then she told me she need to do a tummy scan for my right ovary. she found 2 follicles with the size of 28x25 and 26x24.

That could not be right isn't it. It's too big...... I thought IVF/ICSI prefer 18-20.... I'm worried my egg would be too ripe. She told me i would be ready for HCG trigger this evening. Stop all injection so my last jab was suprefact saturday morning.

10 pm i came back with DH for HCG jab.

10/12/2012 Arrived at the ward at 7.30 am as promised. I have been fasting since midnight the day before no food n drinks. Change into OT gown. Wheeled by wheelchair around 8.30 am to OT room.  The Anesthetist and the nurse was coughing badly... ohohh i hope they don't contaminate  the OT and my eggs.

Later i was awaken at the ward. DH has given his sample while I was at OT. Dr Tee was outside, saying nothing and left. That was not a good sign. I knew it. We were about to leave the clinic still the embryologist did not come n explain about my eggs. So i asked one of the nurse if she could call the embryologist as I would like to see her.

She finally came 15 minutes before we leave. She was being evasive.... Keep asking me why I wanted to see her. After few questions, she said only 2 eggs were retrieved.... out of 9 follicles 7 were empty not even a shape can be seen.

So we went home, hoping for the best.

11/12/2012 No phone call at all. Last cycle the embryologist called around 11.30am. I figure she could not break the same news again to us....

12/12/2012 It's a beautiful number.... I wish the date can represent my next triplet.... Alas it's not meant to be. When we arrived at the clinic, the nurse at the reception asked us to wait at the lobby. Dr Tee would like to see us, but we need to wait as he is attending an operation

Wednesday 12 December 2012


You must be wondering why so many posts in a row and in a day? There is a funny story behind it anyway... I forgot which account i used to post in my old blog. Hence I have to copy into a new one. Note to myself... write somewhere your blog account and password for future reference... 

I'm ready to update my next fertility adventure. Till my next post..... TARA....

End of ivf 4

Came to the clinic at 8.15 am even though I was asked to come 8 am. I just could not be bothered. I know it won't be A good news anyway. My feeling? I don't know... What should I be feeling right now? Sad, disappointment, loss I don't even get to have my 2ww. Well I don't know maybe Allah has better plan for me. Bit confused now. Nurse asked me to change clothes now i'm wearing OT gown, I did asked her did the egg fertilized , yesterday none fertilized. Owh I wouldn't know anything about that, you would have to ask the lab. What??? I will be rather frustrated strutting down to the OT with only the OT gown n were told none to transfer.... I'm wanted to cry but DH is here. I down him to see how upset I am. I have given a good one hour cry after the embryologist informed me... More update... My blood pressure was skyrocket high and have a bit of temperature. Nurse asked me not to stressed myself out. After she leaved I asked DH how could I not stressed out... Zero fertilization ... Nada... None... My brain has been working overtime...I keep on thinking what is my next step. For me: 1. Lose weight yup I'm obese n I know it 2. Exercise.... Slow n steady I hope, I don't want my heart to have a shock 3. Eat healthily 4. Supplement I even list down what DH supposed to do 1. Drink more water. He hardly drinks water 2. Eat healthily. He likes fast food. 3. Supplement More update: The embryologist came n see me. None fertilized as expected. I asked her what went wrong. She said the egg remained 1 polar body after 48 hours and ICSI. She could not tell what's the problem. Even ICSI was performed by senior embryologist due to only 3 eggs, it could be sperm, egg or both. Arghhhhh headache.... I just want to shout on top of my lung. What is wrong with me. What is wrong with hubby? Can it be fixed. Or if next cycle will yield the same result.

Written Date:7/4/2012

Progress so far

A day after my ER, I saw a missed call from unfamiliar number... My heart been thumping outloud... I guessed this must be bad news from the clinic... Well it was from the embryologist... Out of 5 eggs, 2 were immature, other 3 eggs were icsi but no sign of fertilization... Bummer... I could not believe it's happening again... No fertilization. I guess I produce crappy eggs n DH have crappy sperms. Match made in heaven. I could only pray my children won't have tha same fate as us. She asked us to come to the clinic tomorrow morning anyway in case late fertilization... I don't have high hope... Good news if we did not make it to ET could have rm 3000 refunded. I'll be saving that money for the next cycle (if there will ever be)

Written Date: 6/4/2012

Can I Proceed???

Well this morning I saw Dr Tee again. Me and DH came early to avoid the traffic. 8:30 am and waited in the lounge till 10:15 am... Have another ultrasound and seems:
Uterine lining 12 mm
Left ovary : 4 follicles with sizes range from 18-23mm
Right ovary : finally it's around. 2 follies with size 16-20mm
Other follies is smaller less than 15mm so hopefully they'll grow some more
6 follies.... hope for the best

Next Step:
No more gonal f, burserelin, menosys injection. Apparently Dr said my ovary have enuf.
Tonight : Come back to the clinic for HCG 10,000 iu injection at 10 pm
Friday (6/4/2012) : ER day... 6:30 am at the clinic.

Bit nervous though, my serial coughing is still around. Hope everything went well.
This is the first time i've done IVF without any blood work done during stimming. Maybe less follicles so Dr is not concerned that I'm a potential OHSS candidate.

I've been drinking loads of water, one to prevent OHSS and most importantly i just want to shift the cough away. Good health.

I also plan to take leave whole week next week. This is to avoid stress. It's an hour drive to work. I don't need the stress of facing heavy traffic every day.

Written Date: 3/4/2012

How it's been feeling lately...

Today is D9 of stimming... There are some pressures down there. First all the aching is more intense on the right side. Since my U/S yesterday and informed by Dr he could not locate follicle/ovary on my right side... Well... the pain seems to dissappear... Physiological only effect.

I was sad... but i have to keep positive for the sake of the rest of my left ovary. Go follicle Go... Grow some good healthy eggies.... Give mommy something to be proud of.

My left side started to have twinges and pressure feeling... So next step... i will only inject on my left side. So all nice hormon will reach faster and better.

DF is 23 mm... Please do not grow so fast let other follicle/eggs grow as well.... Sharing is caring DF..

Written Date 3/4/2012.

Syringe... Needle... Anyone???

Good news...
Due to my panic incidence yesterday, the clinic gave me syringe with short needle ... the stupid needle did not reach even half of the ampoules to draw drug.

So today i visit the clinic, this is one of the positive side working in faculty of medicine with attached specialist clinic (but no fertility facility) . Managed to asked one of the nurse to pass me over a syringe, mixing needle n subcutaneous needle. It's an interchangeable syringe.... So I'm a happy woman. She asked me how many would I want... Of couse sitting back in my fridge is one set of menosys...So i took one.

Update: I feel calmer for my menosys injection last night. The syringe really help. The powder dissolve throughout compared to the day before. I think some of the liquid left in the bottle and i did not get the right dosage as intended.

Written Date: 3/4/2012